I help women connect their head and their heart in a way that transforms their passion for their dreams into action for their life.
I am a certified Empowerment & Mindset Coach, NLP, and mindfulness practitioner - it's my personal mission in life to enable greatness in others.
As an Empowerment coach, I am skilled at showing you how to nurture your confidence and create a fulfilling life. I help you access your inner power to transform your life. When working with me, I will teach you how to love yourself and believe in yourself. This may sound a simplistic way to tackle life’s complexities but coaching is a proven way for you to improve yourself.
As a Mindset coach, I’m dedicated to rewiring your mindset, thereby allowing you to be the very best version of yourself and to unlock your full potential.
And as an Empowerment & Mindset coach, I help women connect their head and their heart. I literally help you to transform your life and turn your passion for dreams into an action plan for your life.
The BEST Life Coach in the world is the one that makes a difference in your life and helps you achieve the change that you are looking to make. In saying this, you have to be willing and able to make a change to your indifference, to make a shift to move forward in your life.
When you experience true breakthrough, it changes everything!
My mission is simple – I want to enable greatness in others. By working together, I am here to elevate your success through every stage of your journey. Not only do I provide you with proven tools and resources and the support you need to get the best results, you’ll be part of an inspiring and supportive community of women, for life!
Remember, empowered women empower women!
Am I right for you?
I help women who feel overwhelmed with balancing work and family life, to avoid burnout. I help them reclaim their drive for a life of empowered purpose, enlightened connections and enriched relationships.
Have you had enough of faking it, hanging in there, keeping going, fooling everyone when you say you’re fine, but it’s actually not true?
Do you feel overwhelmed with life which just seems out of balance? You're a mother, a wife, a partner, an employee or even the CEO but somehow you feel like you're just going through the motions and that you've lost you're identity.
Life feels like it's on 'wash, rinse, repeat' and although you have been the architect and made the decisions that have built this life, you cannot find contentment and you feel like a prisoner in your own reality. You feel trapped.
Your relationships feel hollow and unsatisfying, you're fatigued and no longer enjoying life. You feel you're surviving the daily routine but you're not thriving.
You feel there must be more to life but you feel guilty for wanting more for yourself. You want the best for your family but rarely prioritise your own needs. Resentment, fatigue and burnout are setting in and your spark for life is gone.
You’re exhausted by the relentless demands on you. You are holding on by a thread, terrified that it’s going to break, right at the wrong moment. Like when your boss criticises your work, or your partner comes home late, leaving you with the chores? Or you've forgotten the deadline on one of your children's school projects.
Suddenly, you’re not holding it in anymore, you’re in tears, you’re screaming. You know your response is out of proportion to what happened. Deep down, you know, really, why.
I know you know. Because I was there too.
High functioning anxiety, I think they called it. Labels, schmabels. Hiding from fixing the cause of the anxiety, panic attacks, depression is exhausting. Hiding the real me because I was afraid of making others uncomfortable, of wanting to reach out for my dreams...afraid to address the real experiences in my past.
Except I was being defined by it, wasn’t I? By hiding, I wasn’t being me.
You want to be you. You miss the younger you who knew who she was and what she wanted in life. You never really got to know her well enough though. You wonder sometimes, what would that girl think of your life now?
I found myself again. I took the leap, I did the work. I didn't compromise and I now have a life which authentically resonates with me. I have worked with some amazing coaches and I know I wouldn't have everything I have if it wasn't for their support and guidance.
I can help you find yourself too.
The first and hardest step is to reach out.
I’ve got you from there...
“It’s not what you look at what matters, it’s what you see”
Henry David Thoreau

Schedule a free discovery call
If you're ready to invest in yourself and you want to hear more about how I can transform your life - contact me today to schedule a FREE discovery call.
You won't regret it - let's make your dreams come true!
+44 7956515547